Wednesday, October 08, 2008

ULearn08 Day One

Tony Ryan's ULearn08 workshop today on roles for the transformational teacher gave me some much needed energy after a very early start due to cancelled flights. He showed part of the Where the Hell is Matt? dance video which I'd seen before but is worth seeing again.

Some things from Tony's presentation that struck a chord with me were the need to develop awareness of self-talk in our students, developing active listening skills and the need for more educational intrepeneurs, innovating from within our schools.

He asked what I felt was a very valid question about the percentage of time we engage in positive dialogue about education. It is very easy to get caught up with what is wrong. There is so much we can celebrate, with many great things going on in and out of classrooms. We need to share these more.

The Ulearn08 tweets are providing some more thoughts on the conference, some valuable, some not so much . How many pens people have does seem to be getting a lot of attention. Not hooked on Twitter but have made some valuable links with other educators and definitely providing some links to resources.