Kath Murdoch's post 'Establishing a Culture of Inquiry Through Inquiry' caught my eye. In it she discussed some of the questions we might ask of students so that they are involved in designing the learning and developing a learning community in the classroom. Questions like "What do we need we find out about each other? How could we go about this?", "What should I (as your teacher) learn about you?" and my personal favourite, "What are you most curious about when you think about the year ahead?".

Then this morning Leigh Hynes shared her post 'Okay - It's the First Week of School - What am I going to do with my students?', discussing how teachers in secondary schools might define their role through their actions, whilst developing strong relationships with their class and ensuring students understand the relevance of what they will be learning. In Secondary Schools, especially in the higher levels with the focus on achieving qualifications, it is very easy to lose sight of what really matters in a classroom in the rush to fit everything in.
So as you move through this first month of school here a a few questions to keep in mind:
- How are you modelling and developing an inquiring disposition in the classroom?
- How much agency do students have?
- When deciding things like what groups will be called or how the furniture will be placed, have you asked the kids?
- Do all students feel that they are accepted, welcomed and part of a learning community? How were students involved in that happening?
- How well do you understand the purpose and relevance of what the students are learning?
- How well do students understand the purpose and relevance of what they are learning?
- Are you a role model in the classroom? Do your actions match what you are asking of students?
- How well do you know the students in the class and how much do they know about you?
- Who owns the learning?
- How will parents/whānau be involved in the learning?

For more ideas and resources on inquiry-based learning you could check out my Inquiry Facebook group or My Inquiring Mind.Co website.
I am a facilitator with Te Whai Toi Tangata (IPL, University of Waikato). Contact me to find out how to get MoE-funded PLD.
So great to be reminded of this.
ReplyDeleteI feel this approach aims to be inclusive, collaborative and a hopeful challenge for our students/children/kids.
We need to return to a balance in educational ideology. Parker Palmer springs to mind in terms of his paradoxes - where we are still orderly and organised yet open and inviting in our practice.